Mental Health Education, Outreach, and Support
Mental health affects everyone. The Well and the rest of Health, Well-being & Safety provide programming that emphasizes the importance of students’ mental health needs. See below for The Well's mental well-being services and additional on and off campus resources.
Mental Health Education
The Well is home to UCR Active Minds – a nationally recognized student group that works to de-stigmatize mental health issues on college campuses. Review our program calendar to learn more about upcoming Mental Health Outreach events related to eating disorders, body image, depression, and college adjustment. Don’t be afraid to ask for help for yourself or your peers!
If you would like to participate in our program, share ideas, or work with us to tailor mental health promotion materials for your student population, please contact The Well's Mental Health Promotion Specialist, Jesus Gomez Manzo at or 951-827-2874.
Kognito and Cultivating Communities: Free Online Simulations
Increase your knowledge and awareness of mental health and suicide. Learn how to talk with a student who may be in distress. Connect a student with mental health resources.
Mental Well-being Services @ The Well
College students commonly experience stress related to increased workload, new responsibilities, and changes in life. It is important for students to learn how to appropriately manage their stress levels to improve emotional well-being and help with their overall academic experience.
Helping Students in Distress
Follow this response protocol to determine who to contact if a student is in distress. For additional resources, consult the Red Folder.
Help Lines
After-hours, mental health therapists are available for crisis counseling and consultation by phone at (951) 827-5531, option 1; (951) UCR-TALK; or 2-TALK from campus phones, 24 hours daily.
Mental Health Counseling, Case Management, & Student Health
Other Departments
The following departments provide support to students in different areas of wellbeing, safety, and support.