The Well's Awards and Recognition


Recognition at the national, state, and campus level

  • 2023-2024 SAFE Project’s Collegiate Recovery Leadership Academy

    Congratulations to The Well Student Staff Christian Lowe he was selected to be part of SAFE Project’s  Collegiate Recovery Leadership Academy.

  • 2023-2024 Active Minds National Student Advisory Committee

    The Well student staff Joann Oommen has been selected to represent UCR in Active Minds National Student Advisory Committee. 

  • UC Chicanx/Latinx Leadership Summit

    Congratulations to Marisol Torres and Daniel Lopez Salas on being selected to participate in the 2023 UC Chicanx/Latinx Leadership Summit hosted by UC Riverside

  • Roundtable with U.S. Secretary of Education

    The Well was selected from the entire nation to participate in a roundtable with U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona.

  • Staff Assembly - Get Recognized Award

    Marisol Torres, is a double-recipient of this award. One in March 2022 and the other in Fall 2023.

    Daniel Lopez Salas, received this award in Fall 2023.

  • 2020 Outstanding Peer Education Program Award NASPA

    Award-winning Sex Week- 2020 Outstanding Peer Education Program Award NASPA, Golden ARCHES Sex Week

  • STAR Awards

    Dr. Connie Marmolejo, Daniel Lopez-Salas and Marisol Torres have all been recipients of STAR (Staff Appreciation and Recognition) Awards.

    Connie received a STAR award in 2023 for her work in Mental Health Allies.

    Daniel received a STAR award in 2022 for his leadership in the Health, Well-being and Safety fair and a second STAR award in 2023 for Power of the Peers.

    Marisol is a recipient of a total of 5 STAR awards.  She received two in 2019 in recognition of Enjoy the Experience campaign with ASPB, and PPGA Wellness Express Vending Machine Project . In 2023 for her work in recovery and opioid overdose prevention. In 2024 for the adoption of the Okanagan Charter and in 2025 for establishing R'Healthy Campus. 

Current Projects

  • Pre-Matriculation Initiative

    Several UCR divisions (Health Well-being Safety, Undergraduate Education, Enrollment Management, Student Affairs, ITS and more) are working together to strategize on the best way to support newly committed UCR students before they experience challenges by surveying students before arriving at UCR so that we can create more targeted (holistic) outreach and get a pulse on student trends (incoming) to be more responsive to their needs. It could also help us follow students – longitudinally – to assess our work's impact and collect measurable student success outcomes. 

  • R'Healthy Campus

    As part of UCR's commitment to the Okanagan Charter, Marisol Torres is serving as Co-Director for R'Healthy Campus  

  • HWS and CNAS Well-being Project

    The Well is leading the second year collaboration with Health, Well-being and Safety and College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences first-year students to increase knowledge of well-being resources and provide training for advisors.

  • Naloxone and Fentanyl Test Strips

    The Well, in collaboration with UC Police and Safety, is leading efforts in providing access and education on Naloxone and fentanyl test strips in order to help prevent opioid overdose. The Well is taking a lead in Naloxone distribution efforts starting Fall 2023 and in community partnerships and education.

  • 2022-23 Mental Health Allies Initiative * Collaboration with CAPS

    Academic year long program: The Mental Health Allies Initiative is built upon the Collective Impact Model (CIM) utilized to make a sustainable change on the UCR campus.  The Mental Health Allies grow more confident in sharing information related to common signs of distress, mental health and well-being resources on campus, and advising colleagues (and students) on appropriate.


Grants & Proposals


  • Journal of American College Health

    Dr. Marmolejo, published a manuscript on "Examining the association of student mental health and food security with college GPA"

  • Health Promotion Practices. 2023

    The role of anti-racist community partnership in providing restorative circles to marginalized communities in California ; Dr. Marmolejo worked on this manuscript under the director of Dr. Evelyn Vazquez, SOM

  • Community Report

    Vázquez, E. Zimmer, A., Marmolejo, C., Avalos, D., Ayala Duarte, A.G., Bautista, L., Pallares Perez, M., Vergara, S., Moreira, J., Da Silva Zacarias, L., Cheney, A. M. and the Restorative Circles Project. (2023). Improving Mental Health in the Eastern Coachella Valley. Community Report.

Conference Presentations
