Harm Reduction Saves Lives around two hands holding each other. Graphic of a NARCAN nasal spray with a smiley face


Get Free Naloxone and Fentanyl Test Strips at The Well

The Well provides FREE opioid overdose safety kits for UCR students!  Students can get up to one kit per quarter. Students with UCSHIP can also get NARCAN at the Student Health Services Pharmacy for $5.

The Well's FREE opioid overdose safety kit contains a pouch with 2 Naloxone nasal sprays, 2 fentanyl test strips, instructions, educational brochure and promotional items. Please note, a training is required to receive a kit and students can get 1 kit each quarter. In order to take the training and get a free kit, students can choose from the following two options.



If you still have questions about NARCAN or want one-on-one training, you can meet with one of The Well's Certified Peer Health Educators through our in person peer coaching hour at The Lounge. 

If you used any of the NARCAN nasal sprays provided by The Well to reverse an opioid overdose, we ask that you let us know by completing the anonymous online form. We will not ask for your name or any identifying information.  

Complete this anonymous feedback form on your experience receiving an opioid overdose safety kit. 

You can find more information on Opioid Overdose and NARCAN/Naloxone on the following websites:

California Department of Public Health

National Harm Reduction Coalition 

National Institute of Drug Abuse