


The health promotion department collaborates with various campus partners (student groups, staff, and faculty) and external organizations to support student wellbeing. Below are some active partnerships and collaborations The Well is part of for the 2023.2024 Academic Year. 

If you want to collaborate with The Well, please email us at to receive our request form.

Collective Impact Model

Collective Impact Team

Health Promotion and Education

The Well and CAPS are currently collaboration on Mental Health Allies, Send Silence Packing, and Mental Health training for UCR

The Well is currently collaborating with CNAS to provide HWS presentations during Fall Quarter Week 2 to all CNAS NASC093 classes

The Well is a partner with Riverside University Health System- Public Health, Injury Prevention Branch to conduct presentations and education programs at UCR on alcohol impaired, drugged or distracted driving. 

The Well is collaborating with Underground Scholars Initiative to promote their AA/NA/recovery meetings and working with CAPS to create a recovery resource sheet


The Well is currently collaborating with SOM and SHS on an emoji research project.

The Well is currently collaborating with SOM on The Engaging the Academy Project.

The Well is part of the Community Advisory Board for a study about drug overdose in Riverside County. UCR Professor of Anthropology, Jennifer Syversten, is the Principal Investigator for this study funded by National Institute of Drug Overdose Abuse (NIDA).

Awareness Campaigns

The Well is currently working with RUHS-Behavioral health on conducting suicide prevention videos for faculty and staff, as well as bringing  Send Silence Packing exhibit on October 25th

The Well partners with ASPB for the Enjoy the Experience campaign to create a culture of safety and care at large-scale UCR concerts.